
Your Yield is What Matters To Us

With a team of experienced and passionate farmers, agronomists and engineers - we develop solutions to help you maximize yield efficiently.

We're fueled by our love of farming, innovation and technology. After a 2012 drought devastated the Sauder family farm in Tremont, IL, Gregg Sauder went to work to find ways to be profitable regardless of the extremes of Mother Nature. Starting with a new and more efficiently nitrogen application method, we've tested and developed new processes and products on our farms until perfected and ready to be used on farms around the world. Today, we proudly offer you efficiently and effective ways to reduce risk and add bushels and profit. From one group of farmers to another, we look forward to working with you, and we truly believe that agriculture has the opportunity to change so that all farm families win.

Let's win together.

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Solve your most pressing and costly problems with our full portfolio of tools.

  • 360 RAIN

    Providing the "million-dollar" rain that lets crops thrive.

  • 360 BANDIT

    The simple, safe solution for banding nitrogen with your planter.

  • 360 WAVE

    Enhanced seed-trench closing with rapid starter uptake.

  • 360 DASH

    Boost starter performance while cutting starter costs.

  • 360 TANKS

    Capacity and balance for in-field productivity.

  • 360 Y-DROP®

    Boost yields by an average of 13.8 bushels per acre with 360 Y-DROP.

  • 360 Y-DROP

    Get precise placement with 360 Y-DROP Sidedress.

  • 360 GLIDE

    Gain control and reduce fatigue.

  • 360 SOILSCAN

    Know exactly how much nitrogen you have left in your soil with 360 SOILSCAN.


    Target your fungicides, insecticides and nutrients where they're needed most - under the crop canopy.

  • 360 CHAINROLL®

    Create the right environment for soil microbes and nitrogen availability.

  • 360 YIELD SAVER®

    Save more of what you grow with 360 YIELD SAVER.

  • 360 BULLET®

    Fracture the complete soil profile for better root penetration and access to nutrients.