With the summertime switch from an el Niño to a la Niña weather cycle predicted by many crop models will come areas that receive ample moisture while other areas may find themselves wanting for water. As growers anticipate potential changes in moisture patterns it is beneficial to anticipate how those changes can affect the crop…
Tag: fertilizer
Delayed Planting and Pre-Plant Anhydrous
In areas across the country that are experiencing delayed planting due to weather conditions, growers whose normal practice includes applying anhydrous pre-plant likely won’t want to wait too long to get into the field. The question then becomes how soon can corn be planted after applying anhydrous pre-plant without causing injury? When anhydrous is applied,…
Is Sulfur the Missing Ingredient?
While 2015 will rightly be remembered as the year when supplemental nitrogen applications paid huge dividends in much of the Corn Belt, post-planting applications of sulfur often returned strong results for growers as well. The question many are asking is why do we need to add sulfur when it hasn’t been a problem for years?…
Nitrogen: Shift Your Thinking and Your Timing
Margins are tight. In some areas, fertilizer prices have eased a bit, but certainly not enough to offset the low corn price. With that in mind, input efficiency is more important than ever. As we look for ways to produce more corn with less, nitrogen planning is critical. Of all the factors that contribute to…