Common Insect Infestations in Soybeans

As soybeans approach the critical pod-filling and yield-determination stages, many areas of the U.S. are experiencing increased insect feeding in soybeans. Two pests that are currently dominating this year’s soybean crop are Japanese beetles and two-spotted spider mites. The two-spotted spider mite is beginning to make an appearance in areas with continued dry weather. Proactive…

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Utilizing Tissue Testing to Boost Soybean Yield

Manganese deficiency, courtesy of Purdue University. Although much of the attention for tissue testing is focused on corn, soybeans can also benefit from proactive tissue testing. Soil tests are excellent measures for primary and secondary nutrients and are still the best way to understand fertility and make decisions about soil-applied nutrients. When it comes to…

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Nutrient Deficiencies in Dry Weather

As growers scout their fields for potential disease, some are also noticing spots showing surprising nutrient deficiencies. One common deficiency is potassium, particularly in areas receiving limited rainfall. Many growers are puzzled to find potassium deficiencies when their soil samples test high for K. However, high soil potassium levels and fields showing potassium deficiencies are…

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N Placement Matters

As we continue to learn and study nitrogen I began measuring nitrate levels in a field on my home farm in Michigan. The field was planted on May 9th and received 15 lbs of actual N via AMS broadcast and incorporated on May 2nd. An additional weed-n-feed broadcast application of 60# of actual N via…

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Corn Leaf Diseases Appearing in Some Areas

As summer weather patterns settle in, many areas of the country are experiencing opposite ends of the weather spectrum. In areas with high rainfall and humidity, disease pressure has begun to show up in some fields, especially corn-after-corn fields. In areas with ample rain, two diseases that could be making their first appearance are Gray…

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Nitrogen Placement in Dry Conditions

With the summertime switch from an el Niño to a la Niña weather cycle predicted by many crop models will come areas that receive ample moisture while other areas may find themselves wanting for water. As growers anticipate potential changes in moisture patterns it is beneficial to anticipate how those changes can affect the crop…

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Roller Coaster Corn: Not a Fun Ride

As many cornfields transition away from the seedling stage they might start to show uneven growth patterns and become very erratic in appearance. This phenomenon has been referred to as the ‘ugly’ or ‘roller coaster’ stage of corn growth. What causes many fields to exhibit this variable growth or color pattern during this time? The…

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PH and Weed Control

With planting wrapping up in most areas, the focus shifts to protecting yield. While scouting to evaluate weed control, it is common to find areas where the weeds persist or see areas with crop injury. Consider pH when evaluating herbicide effectiveness. PH changes occur in cropping systems for a number of reasons, including the conversion…

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