As the growing season winds down, it is a great time to assess what practices have proven profitable and which ones need refinement for the future. One method that many growers are adopting is tissue testing to discover whether or not their fertility programs resulted in ‘hidden hunger’ issues that were not necessarily manifested via…
Tag: tillage
Don't Be Fooled by the Dry Harvest. You Might Have Compaction Throughout Your Field.
There were many times during the 2015 growing season that many farmers in the Midwest and Ontario were tempted to trade their four-wheel drive tractors for rowboats. There’s no question 2015 graced us with historical rainfall records, but don’t be fooled by this dry harvest. The heavy rainfall left its mark in our soils, and…
Fall Tillage: Make the Best Decisions for Your Fields
With the extraordinary crop yield, additional bushels to haul and excessive rain, harvest has moved at a very slow pace. Due to the excess moisture, many fields around Central and Southern Illinois have significant ruts left from combines and grain carts. It’s important to be aware: how we manage our fields this fall could have…