Trial Data: 360 Y-DROP Mid-Season Nitrogen Application Trial

This trial was done on my home farm in central Illinois. The trial compared several different nitrogen application plans, including a prescription determined through in-season nitrogen measurement with 360 SOILSCAN.

Trial Details:

  • Ammonium sulfate was applied three days prior to planting on April 28. In one strip, ESN was also applied three days pre-plant.
  • The field was planting on May 1.
  • 360 SOILSCAN nitrate nitrogen tests were completed throughout the field on June 5.
  • Nitrogen (28% UAN) was applied with 360 Y-DROP at V9 on June 15.
  • 360 SOILSCAN nitrate nitrogen results prescribed 150 lb. of N. That rate was applied with 360 Y-DROP on one strip.
  • A modeling tool was used to make a recommendation for one of the strips and a rate of 50 lb. of N was recommended. That rate was applied with 360 Y-DROP in the strip.


In the chart below, we see that the results demonstrate that applying nitrogen later in the season helped refill the nitrogen tank and spoon feed the crop. The trial showed a yield advantage of 32 bu/A for split-nitrogen application where 125 lb. was applied pre-plant, and 360 Y-DROP was used to apply 100 lb. of nitrogen at V9 compared to one-and-done application of 225 lb. of AMS pre-plant.

By using in-field soil testing equipment, I knew exactly how much N was needed to finish the season. And, the yield results paid off. In the strip where 150 lb. of nitrogen was applied at V9 per the 360 SOILSCAN recommendations, the yield was 212 bu/A – the largest yield of the entire trial.


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