A to Z of Crop Nutrients – Thinking Small

Because primary and secondary nutrients are required by the plant in larger amounts, they’re often a limiting factor in crop production. However, the combination of higher intensity soil sampling with data anlysis and mapping programs allow us to have a much deeper understanding of how and when to rectify fertility issues. This reduces the chances…

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A to Z of Crop Nutrients – The Basics

This is the first of a series of blogs focused on crop nutrients. The first part of the series will deal with the actual nutrients themselves and then we will dive into concepts such as CEC, pH, liming, soil structure and other concepts. There are seventeen known chemical elements that are critical for plant growth…

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The N Factor: No More Crystal Ball

Although harvest and tillage are in full swing in many areas, preparation for the 2017 planting season is top-of-mind for many growers. Things like seed purchases, equipment plans, herbicide programs and fertility decisions are made well before the crop is dried. The fertility decision is a critical process that requires intense scrutiny as many growers…

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A New Perspective on Plant Health

A few interesting developments have occurred over the past 12 months that are changing the way we manage particular issues in the Midwest. An open letter from several university entomology departments in the Great Lakes region discusses concerns regarding the Cry1F protein (Herculex 1, TC1507) as it relates to control of the Western Bean Cutworm….

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Wet or Dry, N Placement Matters

During the 2015 season many growers experienced wet to excessively wet conditions. This led to extensive loss of nitrogen due to denitrification and/or leaching in many fields. Growers that were able to apply supplemental N last year often reaped very large rewards for additional midseason N applications. Fast forward to the 2016 season and many…

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Big N Boost from Mother Nature in 2016

As new technologies and ideas have emerged in agriculture, growers have adopted them and adapted their cultural practices to continue increasing yields and managing inputs in order to maintain their per-bushel costs. This year has provided a great example for many growers in the realm of nitrogen management. In the past many growers simply multiplied…

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