We manage resources in an attempt to grow corn as efficiently as possible. New technology has given us new ways to evaluate efficiency. For example, we’ve become accustom to looking at row-by-row as-applied maps for our planters. We know the position of every seed. But some of our most important and expensive inputs have not…
Tag: 360 EQUI-FLOW
Delayed Planting and Pre-Plant Anhydrous
In areas across the country that are experiencing delayed planting due to weather conditions, growers whose normal practice includes applying anhydrous pre-plant likely won’t want to wait too long to get into the field. The question then becomes how soon can corn be planted after applying anhydrous pre-plant without causing injury? When anhydrous is applied,…
Fall NH3: Three Tips for a Solid N Foundation
Harvest is wrapping up and tillage is underway. As soil temperatures are trending downward, many farmers will be starting to apply fall NH3. Nitrogen is critical to your crop’s growth, and as you make decisions for your 2016 crop, it’s important to ensure that this nutrient is around in-season when your crop needs it most….
Precision Placement of Anhydrous Ammonia
Sure, anhydrous ammonia is an economical way to deliver N to your fields, especially as a foundation in the fall. But traditional methods involving heat exchangers and cold flow deliver some drawbacks and limitations, too. At Proving Grounds, we introduced 360 EQUI-FLOW, the latest addition to the 360 Yield Center toolbox, which provides better row-to-row…